Hello lovelies,
just thought I'd share a wonderful website my friend showed me today at school.
It's amazing.
If you ever find yourself feeling down, lonely or upset look at this website
People share amazing stories on there and it has really inspired me not to take things like my mum, dad, brother, sister and friends for granted. I have also decided I am going to do one good deed a day. Whether its just a compliment or a life changing thing to someone.
So if you ever feel down please go have a looky.
It made my day and made me cry because of how lovely some of these stories are :)
Very non makeup/beauty related, I know but I felt I should share it with you.
Stay positive! No matter how down your feeling!
Lots of love
Maddy xxx
yay! i love your positivity! :D
ReplyDeleteaw thankyou :)
ReplyDeletei always try to be, even if im not all of the time :)